I’m back in the states after a long one-month trip to Europe, and what am I most excited about? Having my own kitchen back.
There’s something to say about having one’s own kitchen to play in, one’s own cooking tools, one’s own pantry and ingredients, one’s freedom in choosing what to make, how to make it, and when and where to eat it.
Can you tell I’ve missed having my autonomy in this area of my life? Yes, heck yes.
One of the first things I made when I stepped back in the house was a salad, because my hubby and I both felt like we needed a few more veggies in our lives.
You can really make magic with quality, healthy simple ingredients. And if you like simplicity in your cooking, you gotta try this new best friend of mine: The Everyday Paleo Salad.
You can pretty much have this Everyday Paleo Salad recipe every day of the week and not tire of it. It pairs well with anything, you can whip it up in a matter of single-digit minutes (like, six), you can enjoy it for lunch or dinner, and use whatever leftover vinaigrette you have on your plate to dip whatever you’re pairing your salad with: sandwich, pizza, wrap, bread roll (do this, and holy mother of goodness, you’ll see how those simple items are taken to a whole new level of incredible).
Imma share a secret: sometimes I’ll just whip up the vinaigrette (without making the salad) to dip my sandwich, bread or pizza in. It’s just that good. Don’t rule it out until you try it. And I highly recommend you do. Just do it. I have a strong feeling you’ll love it. Especially if you’re into garlic.
Did I mention the garlic in this? There’s a healthy ratio of garlic in this vinaigrette and I am here for it. It totally makes the vinaigrette, so do not skip it. Not allowed. Do the garlic.
Garlic’s such a gem. But a little off-putting on the breath department.
When it comes to garlic, there are a few scenarios if you’re eating with your significant other:
- If you have a hot date you either a) have him/her eat the garlicky food item with you to be on the same breath level, b) skip on the garlicky food item (sad times).
- If you’ve been married for 2+ years, like me, you eat garlic as you please. Where are my married people at?
Let’s just all do the garlic. Let’s have everyone at the table eat it.
Do me a favor and make this vinaigrette. You need little-to-no ingredients, probably all stuff you have already, and the key is to really whisk the ingredients together before adding them to your salad.
A little extra virgin olive oil, a little balsamic vinegar (be sure to read the ingredients listed on the balsamic vinegar bottle to ensure there’s no “caramel color” on the list…you don’t want that stuff in there), a little garlic, a little salt, a little pepper…done.
See? So simple. Amazingly simple. Easiest and best vinaigrette you’ll ever make.
Then you just drizzle that goodness all over fresh, crisp veggies. I did butter lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and avocado. You can always choose different leafy greens, other crispy veggies (such as peppers, radishes, etc.) and other kinds of natural fats (think nuts, seeds, etc.). This salad can be modified as you please.
Take it to the dinner table, pair it with a family favorite and enjoy something you made by yourself in your kitchen, with your own ingredients, in the comfort of your favorite place: home. Nothing like home, guys.
Buen provecho.
Watch video on how to make The Everyday Paleo Salad here:
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