Submit a recipe

We love contributions to our Paleo community! Are you interested in becoming a guest author at If so, review our submission guidelines and send your article our way!

Submission Guidelines

  • Word count: There are no maximums, but we appreciate a minimum of 600 words.
  • Provide meal ideas to our Paleo community: Recipe pieces must contain: tools used, ingredients list, instructions/steps, yield, nutritional information, and intro write-up.
  • Content must be original: Articles submitted to must be original. We cannot accept content that has been published or submitted elsewhere (including any other blog or social channels) or that will be published elsewhere.
  • No SEO-Driven Articles: Content that contains a plethora of SEO keywords, or that has been written for SEO purposes, will not be posted.
  • Bio and promotion: A brief bio of the author (a few sentences) with links to his/her website and social channels will be added to the article. If inclined, author can provide us with a small headshot or photo to go along with the bio.
  • Links: All links must be provided separately, don’t hyperlink.
  • Images: You must either own the image or have found an image that is licensed for commercial use. The image must be a minimum of 750 px wide (750 x 150). We require a minimum of one image. Image must be high quality, and must be in a similar style to the ones posted on
  • Sources: If you reference any research, statistic, food benefits, etc…please provide link of the source where you obtained this information.
  • Voice: We encourage articles that are positive and light. Please write in a voice that encourages trust. Be friendly, be aspirational, be original, be goofy, be personal, be yourself!
  • Don’t ramble: It can be easy to get off topic. Please make sure you review your article before submission to ensure topic is focused and that unnecessary words are removed.
  • Approval: We will review every single article submitted in a timely manner. If we don’t approve of your initial post, we will suggest adjustments necessary for re-submission.
  • Modifications: If we believe we need to slightly edit the content of your post, we will always ask you first and request your approval.
  • Author Bio: We love to let our community know about you so please submit an author bio that is no more than 100 words with your article.

Complete the form

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