RAW Dark Chocolate Blackberry Paleo Cheesecake

The Paleo diet doesn’t allow dairy, so one cannot indulge in say, a cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. But you know what? That is A-okay. We are better off without consuming 40 million calories in a single sitting or feeling bloated right after anyway. What we can do instead, is make our own healthier version of one.

RAW Dark Chocolate Blackberry Paleo Cheesecake

A Paleo approved version. Ladies and gentlemen…today I am sharing one of those recipes you’ll want to Pin or save in your browser for later, because this recipe is about to become a family favorite.

RAW Dark Chocolate Blackberry Paleo Cheesecake

My RAW Dark Chocolate Blackberry Paleo Cheesecake recipe is sweet and creamy…one of those delicious desserts that melts in your mouth. It is extremely satisfying! You can serve it at a dinner party or bring it as a gift to a friend; it truly is perfect for any occasion.

[tasty-recipe id=”91083″]

2 thoughts on “RAW Dark Chocolate Blackberry Paleo Cheesecake”

  1. Hi Mariel, This is really awesome recipe. I like the way you have presented this excellent recipe that is very easy to understand and also the images you have used in this recipe is amazing. Keep up the good work.


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