Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo is a condiment you want to keep in your refrigerator at all times. Reason being: it is so versatile and stupid delicious.

You can use it to top proteins (goes really well on top of grilled chicken or steak), to top omelets or egg scrambles, to spread on any type of roasted root or sweet potato, or to dip sweet potato chips in.

There is something really addictive about the Pico de Gallo & sweet potato chips combo. Wouldn’t you say? It’s so salty, so citrusy, so crunchy…SO GOOD.

Pico de Gallo

Sometimes, I find that I can’t stop reaching out for the next chip dipped in pico, or the next one, or the one after that. Seriously, it’s stronger than me.

It always sounds like a great idea to make pico and open a bag of sweet potato chips as a snack (especially when drinking a little vino), but I’ve found it to be a bit of a dangerous activity, given that I end up finishing the whole thing all by myself.

Pico de Gallo

You think I’m crazy? You try it and see how it goes.

I am a chips and salsa kind of gal; it’s just how it is. My guilty pleasure, if you will. I tell myself that it’s at least one of the “healthier” guilty pleasures out there…especially compared to things like cupcakes, donuts, ice cream, or smoking (ew, who even does that anymore?) 

This little condiment/dip would be fabulous to serve on Super Bowl Sunday.

Just open a bag of purple hairloom potato chips or sweet potato chips and dip away. Everyone will reach out for this bowl. Guaranteed.

[tasty-recipe id=”90857″]



Pico de Gallo

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