Paleo Waffle BLT

Paleo Waffle BLT

How does a Paleo Waffle BLT for lunch sound? I think it sounds incredible.

This delicious “sandwich” is packed with flavor. The bacon, the avocado, the tomatoes, the mayo…they all go so well together. It’s like one big party in your mouth! This particular BLT is very filling, so if you’re someone who eats a lot, you’ll be set…but if you get full fast (like I do), just cut it in half and save what you can’t eat for later. Easy peasy.

Now, switching gears a little bit…

I am so curious to hear what you all did for Valentine’s Day! It is one of my favorite days of the year. A day dedicated to shower your honey and your friends with love and kindness. What’s not to love? Hope your guys’ V-Day was full of joy, love, kindness and grace.

We had a very beautiful Valentine’s Day. Wanna hear about it? Ok, here it goes.

My husband and two of his buddies (who are also married, and married to two of my favorite friends, I should add) have been planning a little Valentine’s Day surprise for us girls this entire last week. They were busy texting and plotting away, while trying to keep it a secret (which is hard to do, as we are very curious females).

Well, they did good in keeping it a secret, as we really didn’t hear anything about it until Saturday night, the day before Valentine’s Day.

We were out having dinner at a yummy local restaurant, as we haven’t seen each other in a few weeks. One of the couples had been out of town in the Dominican Republic training for a new job (they both got this amazing opportunity to go work in a new cruise ship, where they will be in charge of hiring their own team and leading it for the entire duration of the job — we are so happy for them), so we all met for dinner to hear all about their fun adventure! By the end of our meet-up, all three boys pull out these white envelopes and handed them to us girls. We opened our envelopes, and saw a voucher inside valid for one manicure on Valentine’s Day. That was so thoughtful and sweet of them. They had planned a little salon date for us to enjoy together. How fun! We were all super excited and couldn’t wait to go experience it together.

On Valentine’s (which was the next day after our dinner meet-up), we met at my place at around 3pm, and drove together in one car to go get pampered. When we got there, we sat down, relaxed and enjoyed our manicure sesh; it was an awesome way to spend our Sunday afternoon.

Paleo Waffle BLT

Once our nails were done, we drove back to see what our guys were up to. I sort of knew what they were doing, because the “event” was happening in my home (so I had helped Preston get some stuff ready earlier that morning), but didn’t really know all the details. My friends had no idea, though, so that made it extra exciting! We arrived, opened the door to our condo, and immediately we could sense the heat from the oven being on and could smell something delicious cooking.

Paleo Waffle BLT

SO CUTE. The boys were all busy in my kitchen cooking us a feast! As soon as we walked in, we saw them handling their recipes like pros; each had their own role in preparing all of these homemade wonders and were focused on their task at hand! They greeted us with infused water and told us dinner would be served soon. Be still my heart.

One of my friends is Vegan, my other friend is gluten free and I am Paleo, so with the boys knowing these things perfectly well, they planned a Paleo-Vegan-Gluten Free dinner to make sure we all could fully enjoy each dish. We have amazing men.

You ready to hear the menu? We enjoyed:

  • Enchiladas with Avocado Cream Sauce
  • Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Avocado Aioli
  • Spinach, oranges and cashews salad with a balsamic vinaigrette
  • An assortment of three Paleo desserts (which I had made the day before, thinking of Valentine’s Day — so I’ll be sure to post those soon for you, along with some pictures I took of our Valentine’s Day experience).

We ate, drank, laughed, fellowshipped, shared testimonies and loved on one another. It was perfect. One of my very best Valentine’s Day experiences. I love those guys, and I feel very blessed to have each and everyone one of those friends in my life.

God is good, you guys. So, so good.

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Paleo Waffle BLT

3 thoughts on “Paleo Waffle BLT”

    1. Hi Laura!!! Some of my favorite recipes are older recipes, and I am so glad you found this one! Thanks so much for your sweet comment, I really appreciate it! 🙂 Isn’t this Paleo Waffle BLT great!? It’s oh-so satisfying…and filling!

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