Paleo Diet Halibut Ceviche Recipe

Paleo Diet Halibut Ceviche Recipe

Ceviche is a very traditional appetizer in Latin America. One more commonly enjoyed on the coast. However, it can be enjoyed anywhere and at any time.

In Ecuador, we have a bunch of different kinds of ceviche; ceviches particular to the coast (made with ingredients found in the coast), ceviches particular to the Andes (made with ingredients found in the highlands), and ceviches made with all kinds of seafood.

Traditionally, Ceviches carry seafood…which is so delicious and great…but there are some Ceviches that are made Vegan or Vegetarian for those that can’t or don’t eat animal products, where the seafood is substituted by different kinds of vegetables (like my paleo Heart of Palm Ceviche). The cool part is that no matter the main ingredient, all Ceviches are refreshing, flavorful, super healthy and straight up delicious due to their base ingredients (lime, cilantro, onions and oil).

Back home, we eat our Ceviches cold and with a small side of Patacones or plantain chips mixed with popcorn. I think it’s really nice to accompany this refreshing appetizer with something crunchy and starchy. If you make this Ceviche or any of my other Ceviches, be sure to try it along with the sides I mentioned above. You’ll love it this way.

The Ceviche I am sharing with you today is one particular to the Coast and is one made with fish. I love to enjoy this Paleo Diet Halibut Ceviche Recipe for lunch on warm or sunny days.

It is important to know that the fish in this Paleo Diet Ceviche takes around four hours to be “cooked” (by the lime juice you’ll have it soaked in with), so if you want to have this recipe for lunch, be sure to prepare it early in the morning for it to be done on time. I promise it’ll be worth it.

Apart from this Ceviche (which is called “Ceviche de Pescado”), other very traditional coastal Ecuadorian Ceviches are:

  • Ceviche de Camaron (Shrimp Ceviche)
  • Ceviche de Concha (Oyster Ceviche)
  • Ceviche de Langostinos (Prawn Ceviche)
  • Ceviche de Pulpo (Octopus Ceviche)

If you want to see any of these Ceviches on the blog (other than the Shrimp Ceviche, which I already have a recipe for), let me know in the comments below.

Enjoy this amazing appetizer, and have a beautiful weekend.

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Paleo Diet Halibut Ceviche Recipe

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