My Kitchen

I spend lots of time in my kitchen, so I thought I’d make a post to show you the place where you can find me most hours of the day!

My Kitchen

My kitchen has an open concept (like most kitchens in the US) and it has lots of storage space to house all of my crazy tools, gadgets and trinkets; its got light cabinets, dark floors and stainless steel appliances.

My Kitchen

My kitchen’s located right next to the living room, which has large floor-to-ceiling windows that allow me to see our beautiful downtown Boise and foothills every day. For a person who slices, dices and cubes all day, I have a pretty rad view. 😉
My Kitchen

Because of the kitchen’s location, I get great natural light in…and apart from keeping me joyful, energetic and happy, it allows me to take really pretty pictures of all the food I make.

My Kitchen

It truly is a welcoming, warm and comfortable space to be in. I love my cute little kitchen, and I feel very blessed to have such a special place to work in. 🙂

God is good, you guys, and my hope is to use the blessings He has given me to reach to you in your home and encourage you to cook healthier meals for your family, to keep them strong, healthy and happy!


My Favorite Tools

Tools are a very important aspect of a cook and baker’s craft. They not only help get work done, but they play a huge role in saving time and reducing effort. It is important to know what tools to equip your kitchen with if you want to make cooking/baking more enjoyable, and if you want to use your time effectively. No one wants to spend more time and energy than is needed, so it’s important to know what is available to us that we can get to help us make the most out of our time.

My KitchenI have a list of favorites that I’d like to share with you today. Perhaps some of the items in this list can help you get the job done properly and quickly, and can inspire you to experiment in the kitchen along with me!

Here is my list of must-haves:

The above are not in order of importance. These are all items that I have and that I would 100% recommend. If later on I remember of another tool that I have and that I love, that I forgot to add to this list, I’ll just come back and modify the post. That way you have a comprehensive and complete list of useful kitchen tools.

My Kitchen

I try to take great care of all the tools mentioned above, so they can last a long time. I wash and clean them thoroughly, store them properly and use them carefully.


My Everyday Items

There are a few kitchen essentials that are meant to be used once (or perhaps a few times) and then be disposed of. These things I am speaking of I use often, so they keep making it back to my grocery list on a weekly basis. 🙂

These very useful (yet disposable) kitchen essentials are:


My Staple Ingredients

Other items I have a ton of in my kitchen are paleo ingredients. Keeping a stocked refrigerator and pantry at all times is huge for me. This way, I am free to be creative and come up with interesting recipes at any given point in time. You never really know when you’re going to be craving something in particular, so having basic ingredients in your kitchen is key.

Here is a list of ingredients you’ll never find me without:

  • Grass fed proteins (chicken, turkey, steak, eggs, bacon, and some kind of game meat or fish)
  • Vegetables (seasonal vegetables; but always spinach, onions and garlic)
  • Sweet potatoes (all kinds)
  • Fruits (seasonal fruits; but always apples and bananas)
  • Healthy oils (coconut, sesame, walnut, olive….)
  • Spices (all kinds, always)
  • Nuts (all kinds)
  • Seeds (all kinds)
  • Natural sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc.)
  • Baking supplies (baking powder, baking soda, cacao powder, coconut flour, nut and seed butters and flours, unsweetened gelatin, etc.)
  • Nespresso pods and herbal teas

The above are not in order of importance either. But my refrigerator and pantry never go without (or low on) any of them, unless I am traveling. You’ll be able to make wonders with these ingredients when you combine the right ones, in the right portions and using the right tools. You can pick your favorite proteins, fruits, vegetables, healthy oils and natural sweeteners, you don’t have to go by my favorite ones (which are the ones listed above).

All of my recipes will guide you as to what tools to use, what ingredients to use and how much of each ingredient to use. I will guide you every step of the way. 🙂

Cooking, baking and making people smile through food is amazing, but eating healthy foods that keep you healthy and vibrant, is even better! You’ll be blessing your family when preparing good food for them that can make them strong and keep them healthy. Even if they don’t thank you every day, or show much appreciation for your hard work, know that you’re giving them the gift of health…and that alone is worth everything!

God bless you, and thanks for visiting!

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