Ginger Garlic Tilapia

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

This Ginger Garlic Tilapia is absolutely fantastic; its tenderness, flavor…mmm.

Tilapia seems to be the protein of choice of bodybuilders and fitness models when preparing for a show or photo shoot. Why, you may ask? Well it’s got no carbs, no sugar, very little fat and lots of good lean protein. Tilapia’s main nutritional value is protein. One serving (4-oz fillet) provides half of the recommended (daily minimum) protein consumption for an active person.

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

Pretty good, right?

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

Tilapia is also rich in Vitamin B-12 and Selenium, which are essential vitamins for proper cell function. This fish has a very mild flavor, making it the perfect fish choice when you want to have fun  using spices and condiments.  Here’s a visual depiction of how the recipe went down: 

Ginger Garlic TilapiaGinger Garlic Tilapia

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

Ginger Garlic Tilapia

The most common ways to prepare Tilapia are to grill it or bake it. I’ve chosen to be unconventional today and try a different cooking method. We are going to fry it using coconut oil. Be sure to give this Ginger Garlic Tilapia a try, it’s so delicious.

[tasty-recipe id=”91329″]

8 thoughts on “Ginger Garlic Tilapia”

  1. Hola Mariel! Thanks for posting this! It looks amazing! I have one quick question for you… where do you get your tilapia from? I’m having a hard time finding anything that isn’t farmed.

    Thanks for the wonderful recipes! My husband (Ecuadorian as yourself) will LOVE these 🙂

    1. Hey Joanne! You’re hubby is Ecuadorian too?!?! That so awesome!!! What a small world :). I usually get my tilapia from our small city Co-Op (an all organic grocery store), but sometimes I’ll go to Costco and buy some in bulk ;). Try Costco!

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