Creamy Paleo Coco Bites to the rescue. Have you ever been in such a hurry that you need to leave your house faster than lightening and there is no time at all for you to pack a lunch?
Ah, yes. That’s happened to me…quite a few times. And when it happens, it stresses me out, as I know for a fact that there will be a time during my day when “hanger” will come to strike. If you haven’t met “hanger”, lucky you.
You don’t want to meet this emotion. It is an uncontrollable feeling of ill mood and anger as a result of being deprived of food for a long period of time. If you’ve had it, you know exactly what I mean! It is painfully sad, haha. I try to avoid that feeling at all costs.
For times like these, one of my favorite on-the-go snacks are my Creamy Coco Bites. Oh boy, are they good. Not only are they super healthy, but they something I actually look forward to consuming while out and about.
They are creamy, soft and sweet…such little bundles of joy. I make them in bulk, put them in small Tupperware containers, and keep them in the freezer until I am ready to take a few on-the-go.
These Creamy Paleo Coconut Bites are made with great healthy fats, which provide you with awesome energy and definitely keep you satisfied in between meals.
One of the main ingredients used to prepare these are cashews. I have been in a cashew kick lately, so we go through these nuts fast.
My trick here is to order these babies in bulk online, that way they get delivered directly to my door at exactly the time when I am about to run out. Boom. Easy peasy.
So here you have it, a fun little treat that you can make ahead and take on-the-go to avoid hangry. If you’re needing more on-the-go snack ideas, a great resource to check out is — they have some great healthy recipes you may want to recreate.
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