Coffee Nut Protein Muffins

Coffee Nut Protein Muffins

I have an AMAZING healthy treat for you today.

They are the right size, they’re sweet, they’re moist, they’re satisfying and they’re straight up delicious! These Coffee Nut Protein Muffins have quickly become one of my favorite Paleo snacks. Since the day I baked them, I’ve been enjoying two a day; I just add a nice little cup of coffee to the mix, and boom…I get the best treat ever.

Coffee Nut Protein Muffins

I particularly love that they are small and compact, because this allows them to be the perfect “travel food” (just put them in a small tupperware container or ziploc bag and throw them in you’re backpack, purse, messenger bag, or whatever you use). You can take them anywhere with you; bring them with you on road trips, to meetings, to work, to school, to coffee shops, when grocery shopping, etc. They will be your faithful and perhaps, even a life saving snack (especially on those crazy days when we feel we barely have enough time to breathe).

Coffee Nut Protein Muffins

Eat two of these and you’ll be completely re-energized, ready to keep on going with all you have left to do on your day. One of their ingredients is a shot of espresso, so that’s where the extra push of energy comes from when you eat them! The espresso taste is extremely light on these treats, so if you’re not a coffee lover, don’t you fret. You probably won’t even notice that it’s there.

[tasty-recipe id=”90811″]

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