I thought I’d share one of my favorite easy recipes with you today. My Classic Slow Cooker Pot Roast. I love how this recipe tastes, how nourishing it is, how comforting it is and how easy it is to prepare. If you have a crockpot available in your home, you should definitely give this recipe a try. You’ll just need to prep the ingredients, toss them in your crockpot, go about your day and not even think about dinner once…and then come home to a perfect dinner situation! Awesome, right? Gotta love crockpot meals.
I have been extra happy lately. My husband took a leap of faith, quitting his job and giving his entrepreneurial dream a chance. That’s bold, isn’t it? I really respect him for leaving corporate America and giving himself a shot. I am so proud of him, and I know he will get far and accomplish every and any goal he sets for himself. He is a very smart, hardworking professional who has more passion and talent than ten people combined. And I’m not just saying this because I’m his wife. Oh no. This man blows my mind; he always did and always will. He is pure talent and brain.
I gotta say, though, one of the things that has me the happiest about his decision, is that I get to work next to him every day now! We get to enjoy the best hours of the day together, whereas before we only had mornings and nights with each other. He is my best friend in the whole wide world, so the more time I get to be by him, the better. I am a happy, happy goose. What a blessing. God is good.
[tasty-recipe id=”90820″]
Love you Mari!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love you too, baby!!!