These Cilantro Beef Burgers came to be because lately I’ve been really fond of protein. I think it’s because I highly appreciate all the healthy fats different meats have offered me on the last couple of weeks. When you’re working out ever day (high intensity workouts), working on marketing projects, and cleaning and cooking a bunch, you get energy drained. Carbohydrates are our body’s preferred source of energy, and since I’ve completely cut those out of my diet (except for sweet potatoes), my body heavily relies on fats. Healthy fats.
Oh how I love fats and appreciate them. Animal fats, fats from nuts, fats from fruits…I consider all of these great treats. Yum yum. And you know what? There is just something wonderful about a juicy burger, full of great vitamins and fats. Nothing beats it; especially after a workout when your body needs to replenish and recover muscle.
Since I was on this burger craze, I decided to make some; but I wanted to add a kick to it. I looked around my kitchen to see what ingredient was gonna do the trick…suddenly I spotted a big and green bundle of cilantro I had carefully picked out at the store the other day. It was the perfect burger-addition I was looking for. I grabbed some onions, spices, grass fed ground beef and started my creation.
As soon as the burgers were done broiling, I inhaled two immediately. Somehow I controlled myself enough to save the rest for dinner. I really wanted to share my culinary experience with my husband. He HAD to taste this juicy cilantro beef burgers! Believe me, he did. In fact, I almost didn’t have any dinner left for me…I had to stop him from eating my portion! I’m most definitely adding these cilantro burgers to the Lewis’ favorites.
[tasty-recipe id=”91288″]
Can I use the the almond flour from Trader Joes or do I have to make my own?
Rosa, you can definitely use Trader Joe’s Almond Flour…any Almond Flour will do 🙂
OMG!!! I just made these for my husband and I and they were finger-licking good! Thank you for posting!
Yay! I am so glad you guys liked them!! You should also try my Pesto Burgers and let me know what you think of those!
The seafood blend had shrmip, scallops and calamari rings. You can find the recipe for this by clicking here. (I omitted the tomato’s and cilantro again this time.) Caribbean Seafood Stew Seafood Blend