
Looking for delicious, amazing paleo egg recipes? Look no further. Eggs are one of our favorite ingredients, and for good reason! They are delicious and have a ton of nutrients that help nourish and strengthen your body. Enjoy these wonderful recipes!

Savory Paleo Waffles with Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce

Savory Paleo Waffles with Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce

Savory Waffles with Poached Eggs and Hollandaise Sauce. Yum. This is breakfast perfection. You will not regret making these…trust me. My husband and I devoured the 4 waffles the recipe yields. We are huge breakfast fans and this little creation blew our minds. It was Paleo-licious. I will continue to post holiday recipes, as I

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Egg Salad

Egg Salad

Planning or attending social events has been a bit of a challenge for me since I started Paleo. Wait, no. Let me re-phrase. It’s been a bit of an adjustment. Usually one just eats whatever is provided at a party; foods that smell good or look pretty. One usually doesn’t really think of the ingredients

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