Butterflied Grilled Chicken

Butterflied Grilled Chicken

Good butterflied grilled chicken can be a challenge to prepare. We know this because we typically want all of the following to be true of good grilled chicken:

  • Full of flavor
  • Juicy
  • Well done (but not burnt)

A good grilled chicken breast can be a beautiful thing, as it can be any meal’s guest of honor. You can add grilled chicken to salads, accompany it with starchy side dishes or with hearty vegetables, shred it or cube it and add it to various dishes…the usage list goes on and on. I am a firm believer that a good chicken breast can go a really long way.

Butterflied Grilled Chicken

See, my husband and I train hard at the gym and we are constantly replenishing our muscles with good protein meals; we like to eat every two to three hours to keep our “furnace” burning and to keep that energy high. You can do the math…we go through a lot of good, lean proteins! And because of this, you’ll find me grilling chicken (amongst other proteins) almost every week.

I like to grill our protein in bulk, so that it lasts us a few days…and sometimes, I’ll even make enough for it to lasts us a full week. Gotta love meal prep; it plays a huge part in helping you stay on track with your fitness goals and it definitely helps make life easier.

Butterflied Grilled Chicken

The recipe that I am sharing with you today is one of my favorites for grilled chicken, as the chicken comes out juicy, a bit golden and well done (just like I like it). The trick to this one is to allow the chicken breasts to marinate over night, so that they absorb all that great flavor, and to then take it out from the refrigerator about ten minutes prior to grilling while starting your grill and allow it plenty of time to preheat.

You want that grill hot and ready before you add your chicken in. Happy grilling, and enjoy this fabulous Butterflied Grilled Chicken recipe.

Butterflied Grilled Chicken

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Butterflied Grilled Chicken

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