Blueberry Apple Muffins

Blueberry Apple Muffins

Blueberry Apple Muffins, my 1st ‘baked dessert’ recipe post. And it is a very special post for me, because I love sweets and I cannot believe I’ve allowed this much time to pass without sharing some recipes.

On a different note…do you guys want to know something really awesome? This month, my husband’s been featured in Men’s Fitness magazine. How cool is that?! He appears on an entire page…and the best part is that it’s the 25 Anniversary Issue – Collector’s Edition. Pretty fancy, huh?

Well, as his wife, I am pretty stoked for him and of course super duper proud. He has worked hard to reach his fitness goals and now he gets to show off the world how amazing he’s looking! It’s his chance to inspire other men and motivate them to make better health and fitness decisions. (Sort of like I do here, with my Paleo blog. Yeah…same thing, right?)

Here is a picture I took of the magazine’s cover and of the page he appears on (I took this picture using my Instagram App…Are you on Instagram? If you are, find me. Let’s be friends.)

Amazing Paleo's Blueberry Apple Muffins!

If you happen to be at a grocery store or by a newsstand anytime soon…don’t be shy and take a look, Preston’s on page 97.

Now, back to my muffins. Blueberries are in season right now, so you can find these at your local farmer’s market. Make a fun little trip down to your closest farmers market, browse around, and find yourself some fresh bluebs. That’s what my mother-in-law and sister-in-law call them…bluebs.

Blueberry Apple Muffins

Blueberry Apple Muffins

I sometimes catch them eating frozen blueberries as a treat at night…their fingers are all purple and look like their about to fall off, but it’s only the pigment of the “bluebs”. Blueberries are actually amazing frozen…nature’s own candy. Give that a try. Perhaps freeze some if you have any leftover from the Blueberry Apple Muffins you’re about to make.

[tasty-recipe id=”91447″]


Blueberry Apple Muffins

11 thoughts on “Blueberry Apple Muffins”

      1. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for your inquiry. I have just added the muffins’ nutritional content to this post; you can find it underneath the recipe’s steps. Hope this helps!

    1. Hey Sarah. I am not sure if Whole Foods has Raw Buckwheat Honey…we don’t have a store in Boise yet (it’s under construction though…I’m so excited!). You can use Raw Honey or Organic Maple Syrup instead 🙂

  1. I’d like to make these muffins, however in this recipe, you call for almond butter but you say “1/2 of” and it does not state of what. 1/2 tablespoon, 1/2 cup? Can you please clarify?
    Thanks and looking forward to trying this recipe out!

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